
We provide: 

  • Guidance, direction, insight, and inspiration

  • Full, undivided attention—no matter who you are

  • A sense of momentum and satisfaction as you progress

  • A coach that goes above and beyond, so you can do the same

What we'll do for you:

  • Using a variety of tools, work with you to help understand yourself better—creating a solid foundation for your next steps and a strategy for success.

  • Work with you to craft a customizable resume informed by your assessment and a thorough "mining" of your achievements—helping you truly stand out.

  • Coach you in efficient, balanced, productive networking—helping you clear a path to that interview.

  • Share the best uses of LinkedIn and other internet tools—supporting your networking efforts and expanding your possibilities.

  • Thoroughly prep you for interviews using a variety of tools—getting you to be your absolute best when it counts.

  • Do background research on the companies and people you'll be interviewing with—helping you to be exceptionally well-prepared.

  • See things through—sticking with you until you get the job you want.

How we'll work with you:

  • We'll meet you in person (Twin Cities area), over the phone, Zoom, or Skype—whatever works best for you.